Air Monitoring Equipment
MiniRAE Lite
The MiniRAE Lite is the most reliable hand-held volatile organic compound (VOC) monitor on the market. Its photoionization detector's (PID) range of 0 to 5,000 ppm makes it an ideal instrument for applications ranging from environmental to construction.
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The MultiRAE is the most advanced wireless portable chemical detector on the market. In addition to its cutting-edge PID sensor for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the MultiRAE supports over 30 electrochemical sensors.
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MultiRAE Pro (4 Gas Meter + PID + Radiation Detection)
The MultiRAE Pro is the industry’s first wireless multi-threat detection tool that combines continuous monitoring capabilities for gamma radiation, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic, combustible gases, and oxygen, with Man Down Alarm functionality
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ppbRAE 3000 PID
The rugged ppbRAE 3000 PID is the most sensitive handheld volatile organic compound (VOC) monitor in the world.
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QRAE II Multigas Meter
QRAE II Pump is designed to provide continuous exposure monitoring of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and combustible gases for workers in hazardous environments.
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RAE Piston Pump - Model LP-1200
RAE Systems piston hand pump is a reliable way to draw samples of an exact volume required for the most accurate measurements.
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